Q: What if clutter is a problem with a listing? I'm talking piles in the house!
A: Do not waste time, energy or hard earned dollars on a listing like this if your client isn't willing to store their stuff. Space clearing it the FIRST step in the process of creating good feng shui.
Q: Can Feng Shei hurdle this difficult market place?
A: It can command top dollar in any market...but it can not hurdle an over priced lisitng.
Q: Are the design on a pointed roof poison arrows?
A: Actually it will protect you if on the top of the roof. It's the neighbors energy that will be of concern. The placement of a windchime, flag or wind sock will mitigate some of the neighbors energy.
Q: I slept well facing the SE, but my head is in direct alignment with a long hallway through my bedroom door. If the door to the hallway is closed, would the long hallway still impact my health?
A: Yes. Chi moves through anything, even mountains. A long hallway creates a fast moving pathway of energy, know as a poison arrow. Play it safe by selecting one of the three other directions.
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